Well, not really a rant per se.. Or maybe it is.
I've become addicted to pregnancy message boards. I read iVillage's and another called Babyfit, that has a good calorie counter so I can see how many calories I'm overindulging on. What constantly amazes me is that not one person has any of the minimal issues I have and not one person mentions what an amazingly easy pregnancy they're having. I'd love to see that. Maybe I should be the first.
All the typical ailments associated with pregnancy... I don't have 'em. Aside from a backache when I sit too long (not a big deal), a dull ache on the right side of my upper ribs and a fluttering right next to that achy spot, I feel good. I'm not complaining, I'm so happy that I haven't been bothered by a lot of the issues that the girls on those sites have. I'm truly blessed. But as it is with those boards, you go there for support and I guess I'd like some support for those of us who don't have problems. Because the fact that I don't have any problems, makes me feel like there must be a BIG one. lol
I spend the 30 or so days between appointments waiting for the next one so I can hear the little heartbeat. I'm patiently waiting for a kick or two to let me know things are as they should be... I don't worry that I'm behind the rest of the world (at least, I don't think I'm worried.. I'm certainly aware). I know I need to break the addiction to the message boards, certainly it's not helping at all. But I keep thinking that eventually, someday, there will be a girl on there with few issues and I'll be able to say "me too". And then we'll both get blasted by the general population and have to slink out of the room quietly. lol
Ok, that's my rant. On a happy note, because I like to end things how I feel, the weather is fantastic in town today and for the last few days and for the coming week. Maybe, for once, we'll have a clear and sunny 4th of July.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Pregnancy rant
Posted by
4:16 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Working hard or hardly working?
I don't think this photo really does my view justice. Suffice it to say, I don't have a hard time sitting at my desk and looking out at the water. Not hard at all. It helps that I don't have a phone yet, so my electronic leash only extends as far as the laptop. I can move around all over the house, then come back to check and see if I've received any email. It's kind of nice. I'm trying to be good and conscientious, irish can't believe that I actually stay at my desk til 6pm. He's constantly inviting me to go for a walk or something during the middle of the day. I have to say 'uh.. i'm WORKing' and that sort of thing. I figure if I'm good now, I won't get questioned as much later, if I decide to take a long lunch or something. I don't want anyone wondering what I'm doing and why I'm getting paid this much to do it, I want to contribute and let everyone know I'm here!
Besides work, not much else has changed. Irish's sister will be visiting in less than a week. That should be interesting. I'm glad I'm working because she's a shopper and will want to go shopping. Irish will have "fun" doing that. I head back to Nor Cal for an overnight trip next week and we have our 22 week appointment at the doctor. Frankly, I find the appointments pretty routine, I guess we just don't have a lot of questions. All they do is take my BP and weigh me.. I keep hoping something else will happen but I guess that's off in the future sometime. We are meeting with a midwife this time, I just haven't been so thrilled with my OB and when they conveniently called to reschedule, I suggested that I'd been wanting to talk to a midwife. So, we'll see if there's any difference or just an extension of the medical side of birthing. The HMO I'm with seems pretty pro 'natural birth', low C-section rates, blah-de-blah-de-blah but it IS a medical facility so who knows what they'll be pushing.. Can you tell I've actually been reading?
I know all the moms out there will probably say the same thing my mom did "TAKE THE DRUGS" and in all honesty, I will probably need them but I'd like to go in thinking that I will try every possibility to suffer..erm..do it naturally. I don't really know my tolerance for pain since I've never really been hurt... I'll probably end up being a wuss... But it's worth a try...
Ok, before you nod off, I'll close this post and visit again soon when something exciting happens. lol
Posted by
12:44 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
lovin' it
I just got paid for 2 weeks of goofing off. Pretty much. As you may have read in the last entry, I read a bit of documentation and "got used to" working the hours of 9-6. And then I got paid for it! Right on!
Last Sunday I had to fly to the Bay Area for work. I went on Sunday because my brother was going to be there. He's not one to travel to visit his family but he DOES visit online motorcycle friends and help them replace their motorcycle engines. If family happens to be around, he'll see us. lol Seriously, it's true. And no, I'm not bitter. lol But actually, I'm glad I made the effort (like I wouldn't) because it was the nicest time I've spent with him in years. It was just him (no wife, no kid, no computer to contend with) and we actually had a lovely conversation. It's only been a year since I've seen him but seemed like much longer since I've actually talked to him.
I had at least 3 mexican meals in the 4 days I was there... yum, yum. I'm convinced that it's just too far over the border up here in Seattle, that's why there isn't any good mexican food. With that theory though, you'd think there'd be a lot more great Canadian food. (What is that exactly?) Besides that, I visited with a couple friends and I fit right back into my old office like I'd never left (it's been 5 years). Although the department has doubled since I was there, I know everyone and it feels like a family. It's pretty cool. Still... I'm glad to be working from home (a bit too much chocolate available whenever I want it).
I got home on Wednesday night and have been trying to settle into working. I haven't had a lot to do yet but I imagine once we figure out exactly what my role is, it'll work out. In the meantime, I like working from the couch, or the deck, or my office. I like taking a break out and talking to my friend that is visiting from the Bay Area. I especially love looking out my window at the view when I should be working. Maybe next week when the kitchen is clean, I'll show you a photo of my view....
For now though, you just get a shot of the 20 week belly.
Posted by
4:48 PM
Friday, June 09, 2006
Not sure what there is to say
I started work this week. I can see this is going to be tough, disciplining myself to keep working when I am used to making my own schedule. This week, during work hours, I went to my personal trainer and had a massage (that took up 5 hours because I had to drive about 30 minutes each way and then wait 'over there' because the girl doing the massage wasn't available for an hour after my training session. I didn't want to drive 30 minutes home just to go back a half an hour later.). Then the next day, I had a long lunch date with an old high school friend, again 30 minutes drive out to meet her and a hour and a half lunch. It's weird because when I used to work in the office, I would sometimes take hour and a half lunches and it didn't bother me. But I felt a bit guilty this week, even though I don't really have anything to do at the moment. I won't be scheduling so much in the future but I can see it's going to be hard going back to that line of thinking... that my hair appts have to be in the evenings or weekends, that my yoga class needs to start as late as possible, that I have to get to the gym before my 9am start time.... On the other hand, I'm getting paid. Always a good thing. And I'm getting a salary that's probably higher than anything I can get in Seattle. And all I have to do is sit home and answer calls and emails with the occasional run out to a property to solve a hardware issue that can't be fixed over the phone. Not such a bad trade off, is it? As with most things, it's the change that takes the most getting used to, the newness of something. I'm sure in a few weeks, when I've gotten into the swing of things and I'm answering calls and emails from the comfort of my sunny deck, I'll be fine. Don't cry for me, Argentina. I'll be okay. lol
Posted by
9:55 AM
Friday, June 02, 2006
I gotta meet risiblegirl, I gotta meet risiblegirl...
I seem to think I'm some sort of champ, having actually met 4 people that I 'met' online... Risiblegirl is my latest and I have to say, she's pretty darn cute. We met for a mexican lunch during her lunch hour and she's just like her blog. Friendly, chatty, smart and pretty. I can't wait til we get together along with Anonymous G because I know they'll LOVE each other. :)) (Having met both, I'm the expert, right?) lol RG, I hope we get to see you and hubby sometime soon, thanks for meeting up!
So, other than that, I started work this week. Because it was sooner than expected, there isn't much for me to do yet. In fact, they're still working out the details of my job. But I had some reading to do and I think I managed to sit down for two hours and concentrate but that was all I could manage. I think working at home could be dangerous! In an attempt to acclimate before I actually have to sit in my home office, I have gotten up early (6:30am) and headed for the gym by 8am (job starts at 9). I haven't quite made it home by the 9am start time but since there isn't a lot for me to do, no one seems to notice. But I'm working on it. I haven't done this work thing in awhile and getting back into the swing of things is going to be a challenge. Just getting a home office set up should be interested as eventually the whole house will be a work zone. But they've sent me a printer and a docking station and a flat screen monitor, so I guess I need to make it look like I'm actually working! Might help a bit if Irish left the house for work but it's so easy to chat with him and have lunch with him and do.. other..things (blush!) with him during the workday... We'll see how all this goes. Have a great weekend everyone!
Posted by
5:41 PM