Thursday, February 28, 2008

A light at the end of the tunnel

I couldn't type without getting the whole thing underlined but finally I figured it out! I put this photo up even though the girl isn't smiling because I can't believe my BABY looks like this. Almost a little girl. My dad keeps asking me if we own a comb in this house because her hair always looks like this. I try to tell him that we comb it but this is what it looks like 5 seconds later. Oh well! He never liked my hair much either. :))

The title of this post is 'a light at the end of the tunnel' because I literally see the end in sight. Well, the end that means that we can fully use the room, not necessarily the end that says everything is totally complete. M is notorious for leaving bits and pieces unfinished, which I understand, I am assuming due to the relief of the bulk of it being finished. I don't care though because if he wants to move onto one of the other projects left unfinished so that he gets a break, that's okay. Projects will get done. I will hire someone to finish them if I have to. ;) So the three of us can go out and enjoy our weekends again.

Anyhow, we purchased the carpet yesterday and we should have a measuring appt shortly. The carpet could be in by the end of March! Hallelujah! The new plan is for the three of us to move downstairs and have M and some soon-to-be-chosen handyman finish all projects upstairs. Painting both bedrooms, finish trimming the new windows (installed in October), replacing the crown molding (or removing completely). replacing the light fixtures (already purchased in December) and deciding what to do about the floors. Making E's room a true kids room for her - with a play area for her toys and a little desk and chair or something. I haven't decided what yet. Whatever it is, we will be moving my desk and computer equipment out of her room. I don't even like to sleep with electronics in my room but we really had no choice... I'll be glad to see it all moved.

We got an invitation to a first year birthday party for the little boy across the street. He was born last year (obviously!) and we saw him at the shower one of the neighbors held for the family. I can count on ONE hand the number of times I've seen this kid since then and now we are invited to his birthday party? It seems silly and I can't decide between wanting to go so we can see him and not wanting to go because the family is moving in a few months and we'll never see him after that. I would say that we are 'chatting' neighbors - if we ever saw them outside their house. Their place is about 4000 sq ft though and unlike us, their house is big enough to hold the 3 of them and they don't have to be seen outside. So can you see why I think it's kind of funny that we'd get invited to a birthday party? I'm sure there's something else I can do for that 2 hours.....

Anyhow, I better get moving. I'll write more later about our trip to Denver but for now, I actually have to take a shower and go to an office to replace a modem.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My two loves on Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day... that holiday that Hallmark seems to have made up to encourage people to spend massive amounts of money to remember their sweeties. I think I read somewhere that the average dollar amount spent at V Day is $128. Since I only spent about $5 then someone else out there spent a lot of cash!! :))

We don't have any plans tonight, just the same thing we do every night except we'll get a takeaway Chinese or something. But I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be than with M and E.
I was talking with my boss/friend last week when I was in CA and we were remembering the Valentine's dinners we used to have together when we were single but pining over someone or another. We used to drink a bottle of wine and I'd drunk dial my favorite f%^& buddy who I unfortunately wanted to be more than that. Somehow she didn't drunk dial hers but oh well. I never did have a lot of self control in the romance department back in those days. As much as I loved our dinners together (we're pretty sure we were the only female couple out in Mtn View in those days), I wouldn't trade that for what I have now. Even if it means staying home. Romance is where you make it, on the day you want to do it, not some contrived holiday that says you have to. M is in my thoughts when I'm out and about and I always try to bring him a treat or whatever. He always moves the car (or truck) ahead when we've been out so I can just pull in, instead of having to parallel park. I know it sounds silly but things like that are what are special to me. Full dinners cooked because it's Tuesday or whatever. I appreciate everything he does for me and I try to let him know as often as I can. Because it's not just for Valentine's Day anymore!

Hope you all get to enjoy it with someone special!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bed head

Her dad caught this photo of the smiling girl this morning. Well, actually it may have been Saturday morning. Ah, all the days are running together. Anyhow, you can probably make out the shinyness under her nose that speaks volumes, yet another cold, yet another 100 attempts to wipe and 100 attempts to avoid the tissue! And I get the ones with lotion! Ah well, such is my daily life.
The weekend was a good one although I am ashamed to say that I missed my caucus because my child was sleeping and my husband was working. I wanted to go, I just didn't want it to be on Saturday! At 1pm! Fortunately, the outcome was good for me and my friend called to tell me about it. I figure the next time, I will be prepared by knowing exactly what it entails.
I did hit the gym twice this weekend, yay me, and I somehow managed to drop a pound even though it was a rough week involving travel. I just have to keep it up. The jeans are baggier but needless to say, I tend to lose it all on top first before the child bearing hips even THINK about making an exit (I don't think I've ever gotten to that part, actually). We spent Sunday looking at houses again - fun stuff after the kid wakes up from her nap and realizes that she is stuck in the carseat AGAIN and cries and shouts and generally drives mama bonkers until we finally go home. Actually we got out and looked at a couple houses and she enjoyed that. It was just getting back in the car that was no fun. Who knows, maybe she gets carsick or car nauseous?
Anyhoo, that's it for now. I have to go and pick up the little punkin in a few minutes. I didn't see her smiling face this morning since I got home from the gym late, so I'm dying to nibble on her cheek and get my hug. :)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Rain, rain GO AWAY!

Well we got the new battery charger and at this point, I have taken a really lovely photo of E's forehead. It seems like I actually get smiles from the girl if I hold the camera away from me while I'm taking the photo but at the same time, it's not one of those that displays the image you are shooting until after you've taken it (and cut off the lower half of your child's face and all of her body). Needless to say, it'll be a few days before I post with photos.

I can't remember what I posted about last time, chances are I will repeat myself. I apologize.

Last week we went looking at houses in an area east and south of us. The 'burbs really, whereas right now we almost live in the City. I've always had a thing about not living in a neighborhood where the houses are cookie cutter and the yards are a postage stamp size. I haven't really wanted either. BUT. There is something really dreamy to me about living in a brand spanking new house with all new stuff and loads of SPACE. God. We found a house with 2800 square feet out in a neighborhood where all the houses look the same and
Maybe it's because we are tired of our little work-in-progress or the fact that it's tiny, I don't know. But we are hooked now and I don't know if we can go back. Sigh.

I've had a tougher than normal week after my weight loss last week. It's funny how once you lose 10 pounds, your mind seems to think it's okay to eat a bit more or splurge a bit more and pretty soon you've gained back the weight. I haven't weighed myself this week and the pants are getting baggier but I don't feel I've had a good week. I traveled to CA for 2 days, like I do, and I managed to get to the gym on one day and the evening that I usually spend out for dinner and too many glasses of wine/beer with a good friend was spent at her place eating less and talking about weight loss plans. So all in all it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Probably the traveling just throws me off anyway. No doubt things will be back to normal next week. And then we'll fly to Denver to visit friends and that will be tough!

Today I dropped E off at daycare and I had to run to the store to get her some diapers because she was out. When I came back, she was hanging out with 2 girls, they were sitting in these little chairs they have acting like they were reading. It was hilarious. She didn't even run over to me, just kept playing. It warms my heart to see her with her little friends and being independent of me. It rocks. I hope I think that later.. that I remind myself that that is our goal, even though we miss the little peanut that is our baby... even when she's 20! lol

Have a great weekend!