I know, I know. I haven't written in awhile. I'd be surprised if anyone is still checking up on here to see if there's a new post. I don't know why I've been so lazy, maybe, like my good friend Anonymous G, I just don't know why I'm posting anymore. My days are quiet and boring and I really don't want to bore everyone out there in blogland. Moreover, I bore myself right now. I guess I'm having the 29 week blahs or something.
Last Saturday night, we went out in search of the perfect Guinness yet again. Poor Irish hasn't had a decent pint since he's moved to this side of the pond. And frankly, he still hasn't. It's not like he drank the stuff that much in Ireland but, as he said, at least he knew if he went out and wanted a Guinness, there was a pretty good chance he knew a place that had a good one. There is a huge difference between a good pint/good pour and a bad one. In Ireland, it takes about 10-15 minutes to get your Guinness. Because we, as americans, like immediate gratification, finding a place that takes that long to serve you a beer is unheard of. The guinness loses it's creamy texture and sheer yumminess when it's poured like a Bud. Add that to cold and watery and it's just a bummer. Yes, we've found one place - thanks to my blogger buddy Joe we had some lovely Guinness while visiting NYC. But I find it a little expensive to fly out to NYC everytime the hubby needs his fix. I understand fixes. I always missed my tortilla chips and salsa while I was in Ireland. So, back to the story. We went out in search of Guinness and we stopped at about 4 pubs. There was some food involved ( I tend to nibble on appetizers so I can have a sip or two of the dark stuff) but there were a lot of pints. Poor Irish just isn't used to going out on the tear anymore. Let's just say he had a very rough Sunday, very, very, very rough. I'm pretty sure I heard him hack up a lung at one point. I don't miss those days. For once, I was very glad I was pregnant.
On the same day last weekend, we ate the world's best donuts. I don't even LIKE donuts usually but I have to say that these were absolutely gorgeous. If you ever come across a Top Pot donuts in your travels, stop in and have one. Oh gosh, I'm drooling just thinking of them....
Other moments this week, glucose testing for gestational diabetes. I took a 1 hr test and failed. Which means I have to go to the more extensive 3.5 hour test. This requires me to fast overnight, get up (without coffee or food) and go into the lab to have blood drawn. Then I get to drink a high sugar content drink and wait around for 3 hours while my blood is drawn once an hour. Ick. I feel really let down by my body, I have to say. I eat healthily, I workout, I don't drink soda, I drink 4 liters or so of water a day, I'd like to think that I would be able to handle a little sugar. But NOOOO. I feel very let down. I'm trying not to dwell because I've truly been lucky this whole pregnancy, not an ounce of morning sickness or any of the weird sh~t that people complain about. The fact that I still get to the gym every day and feel pretty good means a lot. If I have to watch my diet a bit because of this, I won't complain. But there's still that nagging feeling that my body should've been able to handle this. Sigh. Ah well. Hopefully I'll be able to handle the actual childbirth better than this! lol
Huh. I was going to rant about my job but it just doesn't seem like the right time now. It's Friday, after all, time to close up shop and head home. In my case, move away from my desk.
I have a lovely massage scheduled tomorrow so I'll probably forget all about my work rant by next week! You've been saved! :)
Friday, August 18, 2006
Posted by
5:07 PM
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(((((A))))) ((((A))))
(((A))) ((((((A))))))
There, now. Better? :-)
I have a work rant, too! I just haven't gotten around to typing it out.
But, a massage! THAT's the ticket! Enjoy it.
Try not to worry too much about the test. Your body isn't letting you down. NOT your fault... You're doing a great job taking care of yourself. I'll be keeping a good thought or two for you.
and more
NYC, eh?
Himself assures me-- better to have me and piss pour (pun intended) Guinness than great Guinness and not. But let's remember the man never puts his knife down when he eats! ;-)
*crossing fingers on that testing*
*and jotting down "Top Pot"*
Well, of course we check your blog to see if you've updated.
29 weeks? Holy cow! The big day is right around the corner. Do you have more than a baby bump yet?
Sorry to hear about the GD. I hope that the tests show that this was just a glitch or a false positive or something.
You probably are one of the most health conscious pregnant people (and non-pregnant!) I've ever heard of- it should pay off somehow.
(now feeling very guilty about eating two big macs in one day when I was pregnant with Cameron)
I tried to mail a pint of Guiness to Irish, but it kept spilling all over the envelope.
Hope things have gotten better for you since you wrote this. You two (and a half) are always in my thoughts and prayers.
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