Finally, the weather has cooled off a notch or two. We can sleep again. Yay!
My mom was visiting last week for our birthdays. Mine is the day before hers and they both fell on the weekend, which was unusual. Because my whole life, I've probably gotten the party and the special dinner, and she's gotten the half eaten cake, etc, we decided to share the weekend. I would've loved to have given her both dinner out AND the cake but in my present state, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy either because I have to eat smaller portions. So we did cake on my day, dinner out on hers. I think she was okay with that. And I certainly was. Being a Leo, you know, it's all about ME! lol
I bought her one of those little paper hats that you get for a small child's birthday, that said "Birthday Princess" in pink with a little ruffle. She actually wore it all day, which was hilarious. We joked that people probably thought we had to check her out from the 'home' to see this lady in her mid-##'s wearing a child's tiara. We had gotten so used to it by dinner that when two men walked by the window of the restaurant and knocked on the glass and pointed at her mouthing Happy Birthday, we had no idea what they were talking about. Then we realized she was wearing the Birthday Princess hat and we all started laughing. It was sweet of them to wish her a happy day. I think she enjoyed it. Amongst other little gifts, we bought her a massage - it's so hard to buy for a parent, thinking of something that they might not do for themselves... I think we nailed it on the head with that one, she really loved it.
Interestingly enough, I got clothes. lol Irish bought me some cool maternity tops (which actually make me look more pregnant than I am - I think I'm in denial - lol) and some workout shorts. My mom bought me a realllllly soft fleecy type robe for when I have to get up in the middle of the night and feed the bun. It's gorgeous but unfortunately, the wrong size so I need to return it. She also got to satisfy herself by buying another baby outfit - she called it a layette - in yellow. Pretty cute.
Also, since she was here on the day of our 26 week appt, she came into the room with us when we saw the midwife. We had the best midwife yet, she was from the Isle of Man and had a great accent, and was the first one to acknowledge Irish in these appts. I mean, I know I'm the one that's pregnant and all but it would be nice to see anyone there be friendly to him. Well, it WAS nice. She was funny though and kept saying 'I promise we'll get to you' (to me) and then asking Irish some question about something... I had to laugh because it didn't bother me at all. She even asked my mom if this was her first grandchild... It's so nice when they have some personality - the medical staff. Unfortunately, she only works one day a week and is on call only one day a week as well, so the chance that she'd be delivering me is one in seven. Pretty slim. So next time we see a different midwife.
But I digress. So my mom was here for the appt and we all got the hear the heartbeat, really strong. I actually lost a pound, which was due to the fact that I've been watching what I eat more carefully (don't worry, I've gained 18 so the baby isn't starving). Of course, I felt like I had to explain myself when secretly I was happy that I was no longer gaining out of control. At this point, the bun is just meant to be putting on weight but even then I should only gain a pound a month. If I can keep it to a minimum, I'd be happy. Twenty five pound gain should be more than adequate.
(Oh god, I just realized this blog has become about my pregnancy. I'm sooo sorry. There IS more to me, there IS! Uh, let me think of something... lol)
One more thing, we got a call the other day, some man speaking a foreign language. He called no less than 7 times, probably more. Now, I don't know about you but if I dial the wrong number, I *may* call one more time, thinking I pushed the wrong number in there. But not SEVEN times. Irish finally told him to 'f#$% off' and surprisingly, he didn't call again. lol
That's all. I'm truly sorry at how boring this post is. I promise some excitement next time. And less pregnancy talk.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Quiet times
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9:57 AM
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Will you stop apologizing for talking about your pregnancy? It's 9 months out of your life and a VERY SPECIAL 9 months. You are not boring!!!
I know what you mean about friendly medical staff. My friend and I were just talking about that yesterday. I've seen all kinds of personalities in the past year...from Nurse Ratched to Mother Teresa. Makes one wonder why some people chose a career in health care...
Sounds like a really great time with your mom. I love the birthday hat idea... :-)
And- I had to laugh at M's way of solving your wrong number problem. hahaa!
"F*%$ off!" works! LOL GO M!!
And happy belated birthday--early AND late......geeze, only me, eh?
BTW--I'm stealing the idea on the birthday hat, just so ya know.
And I'm with anon-G......blether all you like about the bun and progress--it's nine special months of your life, forcryingoutloud!
*huger hug*
Blether away, dearheart!
I agree with the others. I've read some baby blogs and this ain't a baby blog!
My dad would so wear a b'day hat all day long too!
I'm glad you got some good time with your mum...and that it's not so hot for now.
Smaller portions? What the heck? You're eating for two! (when I was pregnant, that meant TWO BIG MACS! ha!)
Please, please, please, keep up the bun talk. I love it- and I want mommy talk after the bun is born. Create another blog just for me, if you have to. ;)
oh- and talk to my kids about the massage thing for the birthday. I think that's a GREAT idea!
I love pregnancy talk. No worries. I love hearing about babies. Its a wonderful time, I think. Even though it gives me the creeps and that's why I don't want to have a baby. I think it'll be great at the same time. I can see myself being pregnant, but of course not until after I finish my degree. Now I'm thinking I should have stayed in school years ago. But then, I would have never ended up where I am now and never met the man I love with all my heart and am actually thinking of having babies now. I know when/if the time comes I'll be all baby/pregnancy talk.
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