So needless to say, the girl has started crawling around the place like it's the Indy 500. If you leave a green beer bottle on the floor, or heaven forbid, your morning coffee cup, her head goes down and she's got the bottle in her mouth or her hand in your cup before you can say Boo. You've got to be quick and worse yet, you've got to be AWARE. There is no relaxing with a baby on the prowl. Every scrap of paper (you know how you used to rip open the mail and maybe a stray bit falls to the floor every now and then?) will find it's way to her mouth. I have to physically go outside and dump the recycling (paper) every day. Can't just leave it on the couch until you FEEL like bringing it outside. Oh no. The problem is.. some of the stuff you spot as.she' and it's too late then. You're like "uh, what was that?" as you try to pry open her mouth. It's hard to get past those 4 little razor teeth. I just let her eat it now. Eventually, it seems to come back out.
I don't know if I mentioned that the daycare was kind of nazi-ish in it's need to have E eating chunkier foods. They don't want anything mushy because I guess they have to feed her then. So, she's been getting chunkier foods. And to be honest, she's come a long way and can/will actually pick things up and eat them fairly dexterously. Especially if I walk away when I've fed her, she tends to clean the highchair like a little vacuum. She particular likes this breaded chicken from Costco (when you find something she likes, you go with it), sweet potatoes (I have noticed an orangish tint to her skin tone), green beans (finally), pears and apples. She doesn't so much like red meat (I haven't given it to her enough days in a row yet) and I've yet to try tofu and fish. That's next. I just can't believe how much she's changed (yes, I know they are supposed to change but I'm always surprised! :))...
The last couple days she has started opening the cupboards. I don't know if you can see our TV stand in the back ground of the photo but she's started opening the glass doors (rather than looking at herself and/or smacking them with her hands) and the other day, she went through all the DVDs and decided on Monty Python's The Life of Brian. Of course. My baby rocks!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Good taste
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12:43 PM
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OMG, it's just so amazing, how quickly they go from helpless little bundle to getting into EVERYTHING. (And look at that smile!!!!)
All I can say is that if you use those disposable bottle liners with the detachable plastic tabs, WATCH OUT!!! Shrink wrap, plastic windows from envelopes, all that stuff... ugh.
She's growing so fast! Sometimes it seems like right before your very eyes, doesn't it??
My son would examine everything before it went in his mouth, so I always had time to grab it before it went in!
My daughter, on the other hand, put EVERYthing in her mouth. I was forever scraping out pill bugs or pulling out pennies and pieces of this or that.
Crawling now? Just wait 'til she starts walking!!!
From her love of beer and coffee, it's already clear that she's following her parents footsteps.
Love the at home recycling program that you have going there.
Finally catching up with my friends here!
So fun to have you two over to the house.
BJ said that he wants you and E over sometime when S2 and his girlfriend come over with grandbaby. They are WAY too worried about things he'll get into and BJ says that you need to show them a few things. I agree!
Such a little doll, she is.
anytime you need a sitter.....
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