How do I get anything done? It seems the day passes and I accomplish nothing aside from breastfeeding the wee one and writing thank you cards for the gifts we've gotten. I haven't actually sent any of those thank you cards, I've just written them. My mom is still doing the bulk of the work - she does laundry, she makes dinner, she cuddles the baby when she's fussy. My mom leaves on Monday. How are we going to do it?
I know the answer to that. We just are. We'll work it out. I'll get off my a$$ and get a bit more organized. I wonder how people go back to work - how do they do it? I want to work a little but the thought of having to breastfeed every 3 hours (the whole process takes between 30-60 minutes depending on whether she eats consistently or rests in between courses!) is keeping me from doing that. And then there's our trip to Ireland. Part of me just wants to rest the whole 3 months. Although I'm sure I'll be stircrazy by then.
It has rained exactly 13 days out of 16 since Emer was born. I don't mean little drizzly rain either, I mean Noah's Ark kind of rain where you are pretty sure you need a snorkel when you go outside. So, suffice it to say, I'm a little depressed. It could be hormones, it could be the weather, it could be this huge life change, it could be not working - it's probably all four of those things. We've talked about moving someplace sunny although I have told M that I won't make any hurried decisions since I'm sure it's just hormones talking right now.
I've noticed exactly how tiny our house is the last few weeks too. Four people and a baby shouldn't share the same space in a house like this. Since we only use one floor currently, we are talking 800 sq feet, approximately. There's no place to get away, especially in this weather. Today is nice, but maybe not nice enough to cheer me up!
I keep meaning to post photos but as I may have said, there aren't a lot of moments when her eyes are open, hence, not a lot of "different" photos. The only thing that changes are the outfits and the blankets. lol I know, I know.... enjoy every moment because they don't come along again... and I am. It's all good.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Sleeping baby
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2:45 PM
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I remember the first few months after my son was born. I could NOT begin to imagine how I would EVER get anything done! It seemed impossible to plan anything. You never know when the baby will be asleep or awake. Will I have time for a shower? How long will the baby breastfeed this time? Can I grab something to eat between it all?
It DOES get easier. The weariness gets better. The baby settles into a "schedule". Not an exact one, but she'll become more predictable.
Little by little you realize you CAN have a life! WITH your baby.
Don't rush yourself. You don't need to feel organized. Just take care of baby and you. The rest, as you said, gets done. Breastfeeding the baby and having some toast and tea is a great accomplishment. If you can do that, you're doing just great!
The rain. IS fall in the Pacific Northwest. And your house did get smaller when the little one and all her STUFF moved in! You're smart to wait to think about moving. Your hormones are messing with you right now. Just take it a day at a time... You'll feel like yourself again. Soon as you're up to it, go for an outing. It'll cheer you!
And, what's this about a trip to Ireland??? Did I miss something? Do tell!
Hugs to you from me,
Oh, I remember a time when it used to take me 3 hours to get out of the house! And showering, eating... everything was always rushed because, what if the baby starts crying??? LOL. He survived in spite of the fact that I didn't quite know what I was doing.
G's right... it does get easier, and your arms get stronger... HEE HEE.
You sound like you're doing beautifully!!! And what a beautiful name!!!'ll get it done, A.
And what doesn't get done--wasn't that darn important, eh?
Sleeping babies are beautiful, dontchaknow....(read: Mel wants to see the little cutie....LOL)
Ahhh yes, the rain. Bleck. That's all I'll say about that.
Can't wait to see baby pictures. ::squeals like a little girl::
I'm so behind on blogs, and I'm sure you are too- for very different reasons, but I wanted to stop by to wish you, M, and that sweet little baby a happy Thanksgiving.
You have a lot to be thankful for this year, eh?
Me too.
Dropping in to see how you're getting along now. Hope you're in a bit more of a routine. :-) Thinking of you.
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