Thursday, November 03, 2005

Capturing a moment

...on my trip to say hello!

I *do* see to be the queen of spam! At least, that day. ..spamspamspamspam (always reminds me of monty python..)

So I've made it to the Bay Area... I drove down (don't ask me why but it was a lovely drive. well... except for the first 4 hours when it was pissin rain and everyone was still driving 75 mph. including me.) and the last 9 hours were in gorgeous 70 degrees temps. I know I've said it before but southern Oregon is gorgeous this time of year. Leaves changing, that sort of thing.

I've been here since Monday, I'm doing incredibly well with keeping my eating in control. It's truly organization, I have a cooler, I bought food, I have snacks and healthy things to eat every 3 hours or so. It's been working great actually. It would've been a disaster if I didn't prepare... Still.. there will be a couple lunches out and dinners out. The true test. Ah well. There will always be that, won't there?

I've enjoyed seeing my friends too. The one I am staying with now is probably as close to a best friend as I've got. She's actually managed to get me up at 5:15am to head to the gym to work out with her workout group... and I'm going to do it again tomorrow! I'm nuts. Must be all that healthy eating... This weekend I'll stay with a more sedentary friend and eat out. lol And the last two days with a vegan, gluten-free friend so I'll most likely be desperate to get home after that!

As M says, 8 more sleeps! (til he gets there that is!)

And Joe, the food is in the mail! Enjoy!


Anonymous G said...

oh, A. I'm so proud of you...keeping with your diet and excercising.

Your trip down sounds like it was so nice. And how great it must be to spend time with such good friend again. Nuthin' like it!

I'm envious of the vagabondish, traveling lifestyle you've had lately. I'm living vicariously through you and enjoying it!

(((hugs))) 'til you post again!


p.s.Yay! 8 more sleeps. You and M must be very excited!

Joe said...

Thanks! I hope it isn't all moldy from the rain...

I find that trapping myself in the car for 13 hours at a time is a great way to control my food intake. I should write a book or something. Like the "Seattle to SF Diet"

RisibleGirl said...

Go A... go A!

You are such a traveler. I hope to be like you when I grow up (even though I'm much older than you!)

Congrats on staying so good on your goals. I"m still being good too! I've lost 32% of my total goal. Woot!