Saturday, October 29, 2005

On the road again....

Today's weight: 175.2 (pounds lost 1.2)

Ok, that's fine. As long as it keeps going down... I've probably been drinking more wine than I should, when one is trying to lose weight. But it's okay. Only 2 more pounds and I reach my first goal and my new workout gear! The hard part is that Monday, I leave town, driving back down to the Bay Area. Nothing like challenging the diet by hanging out with friends and working an erratic schedule! But it's a good challenge and I am planning things out, so I think I'll manage to be successful!

Did I mention is exactly 2 weeks until M comes here??!!! Geez, I cannot wait! It seems like it's been forever since we've been together! I can't wait for the reunion (hubba, hubba..).

So, other than that, it's been quiet around here. Other than the friend I'm staying with, I don't have too many friends here. So, I haven't had a lot going on, which is fine. I'd love to go out to a pub or out to dinner or even just a wander through our fun new neighborhood, so I can't wait til M gets here. (It looks like they are having music at my favorite coffee shop, so this should be fun... I hope my typing isn't distracting! lol)

That's all for now. I'll keep you posted from the road when I get a chance.


Joe said...

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I didn't want to feel left out. It seems to be the popular thing to say at the moment....

Have a great trip. Feel free to mail me any of that great food you'll be passing up.

monica said...

Are you like, the spam queen or what? LOL. Popular lady!!!

Only 2 weeks left? Hip hip hooray! Must seem like a lifetime, but it'll go by before you know it! Keep in touch!

Anonymous G said...

Joe, you are SO funny!!

Happy travels, A. Sounds great for you.

And here you are...counting down again. Under 2 weeks! YES!


crazymagashi said...

Good luck on the not eating a whole bunch! Have fun and hooray for reunions!