We were blessed the other day with a 79 degree day (about 25 ish to those Down Under). It was probably the first time our poor child has seen a day of warm sun where she actually didn't have to wear a coat outside, or socks or even pants! Like her mom, she got quite giddy and happy and truly blossomed under the rays of the sun. Unlike her mom, she seems to have retained that feeling the last few days even though it's back to 45-50 degrees (9-10C) and crappy. I just cannot rally when the weather is crummy. I want summer NOW!
We had some lovely people over on the most beautiful day of the year thus far, a couple we met in our P3ps group. Their son, F, is a beautiful and seemingly peaceful child. I was in awe of how he and E seemed to be kindred spirits - actually playing together and acknowledging each other's presence. Usually E plays on her own, or when kids this age are together, they kind of wander around from parent to parent or more or less ignore each other. These two were copying each other and chasing each other and it was lovely to see. Apparently, blogger doesn't want you to see it though as it isn't allowing me to upload a photo.
Oh, there we go!
I have finally put together a make shift slide show of M's work in the house to date, everything he has done. It's pretty impressive. I'm going to put it together in our application for 'removal of conditions' that he needs to go through to get his 10 year green card. Since it's essentially been his job, I need to show that he's committed to this place! Again, we won't be posting any photos at this point but maybe later when blogger starts working again.

above: my already messy office and the finished main room/bedroom

above: the master bath (if only you could see exactly how bad this looked in process, I took a photo of the toilet because I have a photo of all the exposed drainage/sewage pipes that I decided not to share here).
Your daughter is soooo cute. I want to see more pictures. She is growing up so fast!!! So when is the next one?
M really does rock. First pint is on me next time you guys are in NYC. I've decided to ply him with beer in an effort to learn his secrets.
E grows more adorable every day. It's so much cuter when they go outside pants-less than when I do...at least according to my neighbors.
Wow, that bathroom is GORGEOUS!
Little E is just so darned cute. We need to have you guys over again soon so I can get my fix.
I know what you mean about the weather. I swear, in a matter of 30 minutes it hailed, snowed, rained, sun-shined, then snowed, rained, sun, hail, snow, sun, rain.... etc.
CRAZY weather.
OMG, she's so big! And the house is gorgeous... and your hubby rocks!
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