This last few weeks has been busy. E has been sprouting up a couple teeth (two at the same time! oy!) so needless to say, she hasn't been a happy camper. One minute she's smiling like a crazy thing and then suddenly it's crying and fussy and ugh, here M, she's yours, you hold her for awhile. lol (seriously folks, M's a brilliant dad and she's a daddy's girl. i'm definitely hovering on the outside of this trio.)
Besides that, M's parents came over from the Emerald Isle. They arrived last Wed and are here for a couple more weeks. It's been going well. M's mam takes E for walks and M's dad is helping M finish a major project. Another project, you may ask? Yes, there is a big hole downstairs where a window used to be and some concrete wall. They are installing the french doors that used to be in our kitchen. That room is going to someday be our master bedroom, provided we don't move out of the city and get a huge house for nothing.
I was hoping to get started on Weight Watchers but haven't had the time or energy to get to a meeting. With all that's going on, I guess I'm going to wait (and have to pay $20 extra bucks because there's a special going on right now) until the folks leave. I was hoping to get to the gym while they've been here but my pillow-top has me pinned to it most mornings. I can't move. It's frustrating. I desperately want to and need to see my belly size decrease and I can.not.get.motivated. This is not like me. I actually LIKE working out. I miss the gym. I just can.not.get.going. Sigh.
OH! and last but not least, I had LASIK surgery last week!!! WOOOOO HOOOO. The best thing ever and so much less painful than having a baby with no meds. lol I went in early in the morning, had the procedure which took all of 30 minutes, rested in a dark room for about 4 hours and could see by mid day with no glasses or contacts. When I went in for my follow up on Friday, my eyes measured 20/15 (20/20 being the best, 20/15 being smaller "better")! I was saying things like "is that a hiker over there on the Olympics (mountains approx. 200 miles away)?" and silly things like that. I cannot believe I didn't do this sooner. It's a dream.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Every day gets better..... well, interesting anyhow
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4:12 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
we've been really busy...
...working on our sitting up. Hi all, today is E's 6 month birthday. I can't believe it's been six months! I can't believe that it's been a month since I've been able to get on here and write. Holy cow!
I was lucky enough to get to see Anonymous G and Ang for lunch, when G was in town. I picked a place that would be easy to find and that I *thought* would be good and it wasn't. It really bugs me when I know a lot of good places in this area. Ah well. Let's just say I won't be sending anyone to the Pyramid Alehouse down by the Mariner's stadium. Although the waiter was mildly entertaining. Poor E's first meeting with G and Ang and she melted down midway through lunch. I had to make a run for it and interestingly enough, she chilled once we got out of the restaurant... I think E didn't like the place either! :))
On top of everything else, we've had a nice few weeks as a family. Weekends where we take long walks and enjoy the great weather we've been having. Even a trip to Home Despot or Lowe's is nicer when you are there as a family! lol Although the kitchen needs a few finishing touches, we've moved out to the front yard for demolition. I may have mentioned that we have families of boys on both sides of us, ages ranging from 6-13. Because the guy who owned our house before us didn't care, they like to use our yard as a thoroughfare. They have been known to play in our front yard because it's flat and I assume so both sets of parents can see them. Since we work at home, we've asked them to leave but they still tromp through the backyard. So we are putting up a fence and we are landscaping the yard a bit so it isn't so conveniently flat. It gets annoying. So that's our current project. Getting easier to do when E is getting closer to staying upright as the photo shows!
So that's it, a quick note to tell you what's going on. We are taking a quick trip to San Diego to visit my folks and shortly after that M's folks are coming over for their first trip to America! Looking forward to it as I know they are looking forward to seeing E. Woo HOO.
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12:08 PM