Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Holidays!!!

I wish I had more time to tell you how things are going but things are still crazy here.
Adding work to a mix of working out, buying more furniture, planning on the model for our bathroom, etc, etc has made things here even crazier than before. I am on my way to Southern California for a month to do work on my contract job - most likely I'll start writing there if I can fit it in.

In the meantime, happy holidays to you all!! Have a happy, safe time and a great new years!
See you in 2006!



Anonymous G said...

You make my head spin, girl!

Ring me or write to me or contact me telepathically while in SoCal, okay?


Joe said...

Happy holidays.

You really do have the most hectic life in the world....

Unknown said...

lol and Happy Holidays!!!

RisibleGirl said...

Happy holidays married gal! Maybe you'll slow down a bit in 2006?

Nah, then you wouldn't be the you we know and love!


crazymagashi said...

happy holidays! looking forward to updates.