I must be getting old because if I wasn't, I would've known that this was going on last night and I would've been there before everyone else.
I better get out my walker.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'm getting old! WAH!
Posted by
2:17 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
..'i think i've found something...'
This is the most recent thing that E does that M and I cringe over. Actually, she doesn't do too many but this one is hilarious. You can almost see her sticking a pea up there in the future. Since she can really get that finger up there, undoubtedly the pea will go back into her brain. lol
We had kind of an embarrassing, what-kind-of-parents-are-we? moment when M went to pick up E at the daycare and one of the head ladies at the daycare mentioned that E's shoes were too small. The teachers in her group didn't want to tell us - they were embarrassed I guess - but they can't possibly be as embarrassed as the mom who didn't notice they were getting too small. That could explain why one of them (the shoes, that is) constantly ended up on the floor of the car on the way home. Anyway, she seems to be much happier with the shoes that we found for her to wear, those ones do not come off! (Here I was thinking she was just bored with her shoes....)
Other than that, we managed to have our first tear-free bath the other night (hers, not ours). As you might also remember, we've been reduced to washing our child in the kitchen sink. M holds her up while I wash, then she is wrapped in a towel and M holds her over the sink while I wash her hair. It's quite a production and none of us enjoy it. So Sunday was bath day and I was doing a bit of cooking and E was asking to get 'up..up' and so I put her in the sink. Our sink is one of those double ones, so she was squatting in one side and I turned the water on to empty into the other one. E had all her clothes on and she proceeded to watch the water and put her hands in it. I plugged up the sink and filled it up a bit, then I added a little soap so she could see it bubble, then I unplugged the sink and we watched the water go down. I watched E get completely soak ed (I had to put my hands behind my back not to take her clothes off so they wouldn't get wet!)
and play in the water. When we had the bath about an hour later, there was no crying. When I washed her hair, she seemed to go 'in the zone' and actually enjoy it. Ok, well, maybe not enjoy, per se. But it was definitely much more relaxed for everyone.
Oh, and I made my first pizza today. From start to finish. Rolled the dough out, found a recipe for the sauce that turned out yummy and cut up some vegetables and threw some Hillsh1re Farm hot links on it (that's all we had in the house). It was a great pizza. M said it was the best pizza he's ever had (but I think he might be biased - not a problem there!). I may have to play around and actually buy ingredients for it.. I love it when we try something new and it works!!! Oh, and I did I mention I love my job ('cause sometimes I have time to do this!)
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12:10 PM