God what a week last week was! Don't get me wrong, I love the munchkin to death but she was home a lot! The pink eye kept her out half of Wednesday and all day Thursday, then the daycare had Monday off for the holiday. That's a lot of time with the girl these days. I needed the break when she left for daycare today. I'm not ashamed to say it. Babies are a lot of work!
She's going through a really snuggly stage right now which is nice because she's never been really snuggly. But on the flip side of that coin, she's also very clingy - if i walk into the kitchen, the whining starts, even though i might be talking to her the whole time. This whole mom thing can be a challenge! I don't honestly know how people have more than one kid! lol
Sometimes I make myself feel better by watching Jon & Kate plus 8 (I think it's on TLC). They were the couple who had IVF and had twins. Then wanted another child (think ONE) and had sextuplets!!! OH.MY.GOD.NO. God obviously gave them to people who could handle them but I just could.not.do.it. They're amazing. Although I do feel a bit sorry for Jon because he can be quite hen pecked.
Ok, now that I'm talking about TV shows in my blog, I better go because it's only going downhill from here!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm too sexy for my clothes
Posted by
4:24 PM
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Too tired and worn out to blog
I don't know what it is about this time of the year but I started to get tired and "ho-hum"-ish.. I can't return calls, I can't get organized, I can barely stay awake until 9pm. i thought it would change with the time change but even now I can't rally. Poor E, after having a cold, then a yeast infection, then 1 yr shots and hearing test, now has pink eye. I hated pink eye, it was impossible to keep my eyes open when I had it and seemed to take forever to go away. Chances are, I will get it. Although, since I've had the eye surgery, I probably don't touch my eyes as much as I used to. So maybe we'll be okay. E will be home the next few days until she's no longer contagious. Sigh. Poor pet. It took two of us to give her the eye drops - one to hold her down, the other to open her eye and drop. Now I guess it's fortunate that I had contacts because I'm pretty good with the drops! :))
Anyhow, that's all. That's where I've been and what I've been doing. I haven't even been reading. I need a vacation already! And I just had one. More later..... Hope you all are well....
Posted by
3:26 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Before: After:
I don't know... I think she liked it. The true test was when we went to our friends house and their dogs sniffed her butt!
I have more photos to post from vacation so I'll write more then.
Posted by
1:19 PM