I know, I know.. I'm still before my due date. I was hoping for an October baby, go figure. November has never been an exciting month for me. Maybe that's the point. This November will change our lives. Of course, our anniversary is in November and I didn't think twice about that so I can't explain what's up with this. Maybe I just want to see my new son/daughter face-to-face sooner, rather than later. Let's get this party started!
The last few days I've started to think that maybe the bun is actually a girl. For 9 months, we've called him "him" and I admit to wanting a "him" although I'd truly be happy with a healthy child. It's funny how right now I get to see all these ads about statistics of children with autism being born is 1 in 166, and all sorts of other troubles. I start to think of all the random glasses of wine and beer (not a huge amount, mind you, but more than some, I think) I've had, all the cheese I've eaten without thinking if it's pasteurized (I mean, how can you figure out if every cheese you eat is pasteurized - it gets tedious)... But you know what I mean, I start to second guess all the decisions I've made along the way and wonder if my child is going to be born healthy. Whereas for the last 8+ months, I haven't really thought like that at all. The longer it takes for him/her to come out, the more I start to think about that... Which I guess is why I want to see him/her. Her. I don't know, I'm thinking it's a her now. God, my mom will be THRILLED. :))
Happy Halloween everyone!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Bun not coming out of the oven...
Posted by
10:55 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Not quite there yet
So after feeling crappy and not getting a bunch of sleep the past few days, I had my doctors appointment yesterday. (Joe, you might want to close your eyes for this next bit..) I had my internal exam and I'm - woo hoo! - 1 cm dialated (9 to go). To be honest, that doesn't really mean anything other than things are getting started. They could go nowhere from here.
My midwife was asking me if the bun was moving or I was having contractions and honestly, after awhile, I just can't tell the difference. Now that I think about it, it's mostly baby moving but in the afternoon and evening, it's non-stop activity which is why I can't tell. So we did a non-stress test which involved hooking us up to a machine where we could monitor the baby's heart rate and monitor contractions by my uterus. I literally sat there for 30 minutes feeling nothing but having the tape register some contractions and some baby movements. There was a little concern but I told them it was normal as I feel most movement after noon and before 10pm at night (it was 11am). On cue, the minute we got in the car to drive home there was a flurry of activity in my stomach which didn't stop until I went to bed! (At least he knows when to calm down for his mom!)
So that's where we are for now. Tap, tap, tapping fingers.... waiting. :)) But getting excited, I have to say. M's almost finished the work he started so maybe that's what the bun is waiting for! :))
I will keep everyone posted, if you want, but I need current email addresses for a few people. Only if you want to hear right away, I have a mailing list setup for M. Mel, I don't have one for you, E- I have a few for you, what's the most current?, Hawaii girl, I need a current one as well. As for getting them to me..... maybe through the LDR email? I don't know if you can find my email setup within blogger and I'm too foggy to figure it out. Maybe through the other blog we have setup? That would work too.
Posted by
10:49 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Are we there yet?
I had a fantastic weekend. Friday night M and I decided to relax at home because we had some plans for the weekend. On Saturday, I had a girly spa day where two friends took me to get a manicure and pedicure - which M proceeded to start ripping down a wall between our kitchen and front room. Yes, I know we talked about no more remodel before the bun but as it hadn't felt like anything was happening, i told him to get started. If we had the baby that day, he could stop working, if we didn't have the baby for a month, he'd have time to finish it all! So he started taking the kitchen cupboards down after we moved the office and refridgerator to create some space for him to work.
Saturday we went to dinner with some good friends and had a lovely evening. I'm uncomfortable all the time now, so sitting for longer than a couple hours is icky. We were home by 10pm. Ah, the days when I could stay out until 11pm! I miss 'em! lol Interestingly enough, the minute I lay down, we're fine, but I'd say the bun is running out of room and sitting isn't working for either of us...
Sunday I went to yoga and the library while M proceeded to tear down more of the house. We had a baby shower of sorts of Sunday night with some friends, it was lovely. I'm not a huge fan of that sort of thing, and I really dislike being the center of attention but fortunately it didn't last long. They made a lovely meal and we got some really cute stuff for the bun - more clothes and bath stuff and a really cool diaper bag. :) Sunday night I was tired but woke up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep. I went to the couch and watched a bit of tv before falling back to sleep around 4am. I'm just uncomfortable. Full stop.
Yesterday I had to make a last run to a couple of our properties to install some scanners. I have had the scanners at home here for 2 months while we tried to troubleshoot the problems before taking them to the properties they are meant for. As I only have a week before I drop, I told them I was coming out and would set them up as far as I could. Riding in the car isn't fun and I had to go about 35 miles each way. By the time I returned, I was wrecked and spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. I felt like I was getting the flu.
Even after another crappy night's sleep, I feel better today. Not great but better. Hoping that this means maybe the time is soon?
Posted by
2:06 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ok, maybe not
I have to say I was a little down that day. I *do* love reading everyone's witty and/or thoughtful blogs and it is a nice way to keep in touch with people - well, the six of you that read regularly - lol. So I'll keep going and see if anyone comes back to say hi, now that I've driven you all off! :))
By the way, did I mention I'm feelin' big? Well, yeah, that's what 37 and one half weeks of pregnancy'll do to you. I'm only lucky that it really didn't happen until this last month. I've felt pretty good this whole time, believe me, I know how lucky I am.
So last weekend was a good one. Irish and I had thought about going out of town overnight but didn't, thank god. I would've had a hard time sitting in the car for 3 hours at this point, it's just too uncomfortable. I had made plans with two high school friends for breakfast on Saturday and we met up. It's cool to 'meet' people again - to know them from twenty years ago and then talk to them and find out what they've been up to and find out that it's more similar to you than not. Not that I'm surprised, they were girls I liked in high school for a reason - more left of center than not - so I shouldn't be surprised that I still like them and find them interesting and entertaining. Hopefully we'll make it a regular-ish occurence.
After I left them, I went home and decided to go for a swim. I haven't swam at all during my pregnancy but my midwife mentioned something about turning the baby so he wasn't lying on my right side anymore. Apparently swimming is something really good for that - the weightlessness and the gravity of swimming facedown pulls his back towards my tummy... I don't know if it works at all but it felt LOVELY. I took two of those water noodles and put them under my armpits and I did laps of the breast stroke. It wasn't really 'work' or even exercise, it was pleasure. Pure and simple weightless pleasure. I'm going again today. :)
The rest of the weekend was very relaxing. The weather was dreary which made for laying around watching movies the perfect Sunday. We made banana pancakes, read the Sunday paper and checked out "Inside Man" on Pay-on-Demand. It was a pretty good film, I have to say. It was wonderful and relaxing weekend. The last of them, I'm sure. But we're taking advantage while we can.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Giving up the ghost
I don't know if this title fits what I'm thinking but I'll give it a go. I've been keeping this blog for about a year - the other about a year before that - and I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking that there are some reaaaallly good writers out there, and I'm not one of them. I have an interesting life - to me!- but I can't take the time to sit down and put these things into words like some of the bloggers I read.
Now that I'm about to have a bun, I can imagine that my blog is going to consist of bun-like topics whether I like it or not and I'm not sure I want to subject anyone to that. I'm worried for my friends locally because I already find that my topic of conversation is limited. I know, I know.. you are going to say it's such a big part of my life and it should be important but I'm a little bored by it all. I'm boring myself (!) and that's not good.
So I'm thinking I might shut down this blog for awhile and just keep commenting on the blogs I read, the real people who are witty and entertaining. Maybe I shouldn't make any snap decisions at this point but I would tell those of you who actually read this occasionally that you have about a month before I write again. I'll post a photo of the bun, but after that..... well, I need to think about it. And I'll keep reading you - so you won't be missing me!!! :))
Posted by
10:37 AM