I just returned from my last trip to Southern California (for work, that is). I was lucky enough, in my three days there, to see the lovely Anonymous G again. And her sweet man. They invited me up for a wonderful home cooked meal and we had a great chat. These are good people!
I *did* feel a bit like the John Goodman character in Monsters, Inc though. You know, the big fuzzy monster next to Billy Crystal's little guy? G is so petite - I felt like a serious gargantuan next to her! lol (Sure, it doesn't help being a few months pregnant but I'm not even big yet from that so I have no excuse!) I have to be sure I don't crush her with my hugs when I leave! LOL
Anyhow, that's all I have time for right now. I just wanted to say how happy and blessed I was to get to see her and her hubby again and hope I get to meet the rest of you, sometime and someplace.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Lucky me
Posted by
9:35 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
We saw the bun!! We saw the bun!!
I don't know what this looks like to you, but having had the finer points shown to us, it completely looks like a baby bun to us. I had an ultrasound today, just to check out and make things are going okay, and it looks like they are! I see a head and arms and legs and a nose, etc. The bun was moving all over the place (must've been that coffee I had before I went for the u/s) - doing a little dance, so to speak. Irish and I were in awe, dumbstruck. (Well, he was a bit hungover from last night's meeting of the social group we are in, so it could have been something else that was making him pale.... lol) It all feels MUCH more real than it EVER has up to this point... JAY-sus!
Anyhow, other than that, we've had a good week at home. I finally finished one of my contracts (the next finishes next week) and it's a great feeling to finally be done! Now I can play for the whole month of May while our houseguests are here (you may be asking yourself, was she ever actually working? i thought she'd been playing the whole time!). My old boss is looking into hiring me for a permanent position up here - I wouldn't have to travel (my only no-no) - we'll see what happens with that.
Last night we went out with our social group (a local group we met online) and we met an interesting couple who spent last year in Zimbabwe. Is that cool, or what? We had a long chat with them and actually met quite a few other people... It's kind of nice to get to know some people better. Again, I would've loved a glass of wine (just one!) but I enjoyed my virgin bloody mary and my water. really. i did. (oh bun! the sacrifices I do for you! (i know, i know, it's just starting....))
Posted by
3:42 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Another day...another dollar....
Here I am, travelling again, this time in Irvine. Talk about a cultural wasteland! Office building after office building after office building... Still, I'm here for 2 days, teaching my class. My good friend is meeting up with me tonight and we're going out! I'm going to force her to drink margaritas, just because I can't! I'm sure she won't mind.
I'm getting a bit tired of this travelling thing. It's really my fault though. I told my employer I'd only do this contract if I could finish by the end of April. That required me to travel every two weeks. Which in theory doesn't seem too bad, until you're doing it. I wanna be home with my hubby! Waaaah!
Ok, I'm done with that.
The plans have been made. We are taking a cruise to Alaska. I don't know if I mentioned that we are having houseguests in May. Friends from Ireland. They wanted to go to Alaska for a week long cruise and we finally decided to go. I was hesitant since I can't drink... (what if it rains the whole time, what'll I do then??? lol) but I decided we should go. I think it'll be fun and it'll certainly be beautiful. Who knows what we'll do when the bun is born? We might stop travelling. Or not. I might shrivel up and die if we stop travelling. (Let me just note here that travelling for fun and travelling for work are two COMPLETELY different things and while I don't really like travelling for work, travelling for fun is a necessity! I just wanted to clear that up in case you were confused!)
So that's all for now. I'm going to my hotel and I'm going to take a nap before my friend arrives. I promise to write something more interesting next time.
Posted by
4:48 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Can you say 'SURPRISE'???
Just kidding... it's not really a surprise. I mean, if you have unprotected sex with your husband, eventually it's going to happen. Well, hopefully it's going to happen. If that's what you want. Which we did. We think. We are still recovering from the results. Of the pregnancy test. That said that yes, we definitely ARE going to have a little bun. (That's what M calls it, as in 'bun in the oven') Oh, did I mention we are going to have a kid??
And we were just talking about how a dog would tie us down to the house, which is why we weren't going to get one anytime soon! Suddenly, the dog isn't such an issue. lol
We've been spending the last 3 weeks getting used to the idea. Telling family only and a few friends on a need-to-know basis. You know, when you have a reputation for being a drinker, people tend to look at you funny and ask if you're pregnant when you don't drink. I didn't realize exactly HOW big my reputation as a drinker was! lol I know most people wait a while to tell people but when we started telling virtual strangers that we were, I knew it was going to be okay to start telling my friends.
So that's my post for the day. Just thought I'd share that little tidbit of news. Little tidbit is right, did you know the bun is just the size of a piece of rice at this point? Weird.
Posted by
8:59 AM